
My Process. Revealed

The way that I work has become increasingly more important to me. I have a very distinct process that I use when I paint. It makes me feel very comfortable, and free at the same time. I have the structure that I desire, and complete freedom within the framework that I have set up.
As much as I hate to use the word "formula" it pretty much is one, although my paintings aren't "formulaic." I don't think the process is visible, and that's fine. I just like knowing that it's there. It leaves me free to explore any subject matter that I wish, and all my work still has a consistent style to it. 

I'm looking forward to seeing just how my style will shift and evolve as my work matures. I'm going to push this current system that I have until I get everything out of it that I feel possible, and then I'll move on to a new process that gives me adequate satisfaction. 

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