
A Look in the Mirror

I feel I am at a crossroads in a way. I am very happy with my paintings and how I've been working recently, and yet, I feel there is something significant that I am not reaching with my current series. 

I've been doing lots of heavy thinking, reworking my ideas and desires for my paintings. I know I have the problem of attempting to fit every single idea I've ever had about painting into every piece I make. This drives me mad and keeps me perpetually frustrated. 

In order to clear the decks, I guess, I decided to go back to basics. This means for me, a self-portrait. In the past, whenever I was unsure of what to paint, or unsatisfied with my paintings, I would do a self-portrait. It's a centering exercise for me. 

I'm working on it now, actually, and it should be ready soon. I'm sure I will come to a few new conclusions about the direction I want to take my work into, and it's always fun to see how the things I've been thinking about myself lately will come out on canvas. 

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